Guest Writing for Boost

Interested in guest writing for Frontend Masters Boost? It’s always a win-win-win.

  1. It’s a win for our readers, as they get to learn from your experience. Nobody knows exactly what you know.
  2. It’s a win for you, the writer. We have a budget for guest writing. It never hurts to be publicly published!
  3. It’s a win for our website. This website is better and more useful with your effort.

What to keep in mind when guest writing

Write the article you wish you found when you Googled for it

Would you be happy to land on this article from a search? Are you speaking to me, developer-to-developer, from experience? We want you to sound like the developer you are, talking to other developers you respect.

Teach the reader and empower them to code what they learn independently rather than relying on third-party tools! If you link to third-party tools, ensure the reader knows how or where to find out how to do the same for themselves—encouraging a first-principles approach. The blog empowers and informs the reader, not making them reliant on third-party tools and services.

Don’t use AI to write the article for you. We get so many submissions that are clearly bland, flat AI generated writing. It’s obvious and it’ll never get published here.

What you should write about

We’re looking for technicalreferential, and instructional content, and veering away from editorial. Think “How to X” by default, in the realm of building websites. We’re focused on the front end, so the technologies around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as the tooling and meta-languages around them.

We prefer if you are motivated because you have something you very much want to share. And, that you have a deep knowledge on this topic. You are excited about it.

Audience, tone, and length

The audience of Boost is front-end web designers and developers at all different points in their professional journeys. We’re not going to tell you to target your articles at some arbitrary skill level like “beginner” or “advanced” — what you should target is clarity. Everyone appreciates an article written that makes technology understandable. You can generally assume basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, except when covering those basics adds to the clarity of your article.

The tone should be:

  • Comprehensive and written for all experience levels
  • Technically detailed and correct
  • Practical, useful, and self-contained
  • Friendly but formal

The loose goal for length is 600 words. An article can be shorter if it’s extremely useful and clear. Or an article can be a huge guide covering a technology’s intimate details.

Always good:

  1. A healthy amount of relevant images/videos. Images have proper alt text and may have captions. Images may not be meme/joke pics or pictures of code.
  2. Blocks of code that get right to the most important concepts.
  3. Demos. CodePen, if possible; other interactive code embeds, if needed.

Submit your proposal

You’ll need to write the article to the best of your ability upfront to provide a sense of your writing style, concept, and professional acumen. It doesn’t have to be perfect. There will be an editing process that happens after that.

If you don’t have the time to write an article that may not be published, we totally understand, but we can’t commit to publishing anything without seeing a complete draft. If you’d like to send in a shorter pitch instead to get a signal on if the idea is worth pursuing, that’s fine, but no publishing decision will be made until a complete draft is in.

When ready, send a draft at a shareable URL (like Dropbox Paper or Google Docs) to