Chris Coyier on

Modern Font Stacks

Just a little appreciation for Dan Klammer’s Modern Font Stacks project. Not loading any custom fonts doesn’t need to mean being relegated to the Helvetica/Arial hole, system fonts (even though I do kinda love San Francisco), or some bummer typeface you feel pushed into. I particularly like the Geometric Humanist stack:

Chris Coyier on

Streaming HTML

I admit I went pretty far in my web development career without understanding that Streamed HTML is a thing. And while I’m admitting things, I’m still not 100% sure when it’s an ideal solution and how best to take advantage of it. But knowing is half the battle sometimes, so let me get into some […]

Chris Coyier on

The DevRel went down to Georgia…

Happy Friday! The DevRel went down to Georgia, they had some code to shillThey were in a bind, cause they were way behind, and the VP wasn’t thrilledWhen they came upon this young dev pushing to main and cursing a lotThe DevRel sat right down and said, “Hey let me tell you what, The DevRel […]

Chris Coyier on

CSS :has() Interactive Guide

You know I’m a little obsessed with :has() in CSS and how useful it is. So I’m chuffed that Ahmad Shadeed made a killer interactive guide with loads of great examples. The basics are so satisfying like “Does this <figure> have a <figcaption>? Yes? OK then style it differently.” And that can be leveled up […]

Chris Coyier on

The Fifty-Fifty Split and Overflow

A left-and-right layout is blissfully easy with CSS grid. Something like grid-auto-rows: 1fr; will do it — just put two elements as the children. This is how I like to roll though, making two equal columns that can shrink properly: But Ryan Mulligan found a very interesting way to make it complicated in The Fifty-Fifty […]

Chris Coyier on

Okay, Color Spaces

Eric Portis did a bang up job explaining color spaces on the web. sRGB is, as Eric puts it “the web’s dominant, default color space”, but he doesn’t spend much time on that. Thanks to recent evolutions in web tech, we have access to a wider gamut of colors (P3) and more color spaces than […]

Chris Coyier on

View transitions: Handling aspect ratio changes

Jake Archibald has some great examples of awkward gotchas with View Transitions. View Transitions are naturally great at tweening one state of a DOM element to the next, but you’ll see likely-unwanted ghosting if the element changes shape from one state to the next. You can either prevent it from changing shape by changing either […]

Chris Coyier on


Deno is getting in on the package registry business with JSR (“JavaScript Registry”). The name should help people understand it’s not Deno-specific, but instead built to support the ever-growing number of JavaScript runtimes. There isn’t much public information (it’s waitlisted), but David Bushell was able to take it for a spin.