Saurav Kothari edited this page May 25, 2017
80 revisions
It’s interesting to see how others are using History.js in their websites and applications. If you're the owner of a History.js powered website, or know of a website using History.js then add it here! While you're at it, why not find out what else is under the site.
Sorted alphabetically.
- Alive WordPress Theme - A premium creative WordPress theme using History.js for complete ajax navigation.
- Basecamp - Basecamp is the world’s most popular web app for storing, coordinating, and managing your company’s projects, tasks, discussions, and decisions.
- Beatport - Using History.js to support uninterrupted audio playback across page loads.
- Benjamin Lupton (source) - Creator of History.js
- Bi-Arch (architects) - Using History.js to remove the separation of navigation and content areas.
- Blueline - (source) - Using History.js with autocomplete search
- Bonjour Tristesse - A powered site using this gist for navigation. (Foreign Films)
- Breeze - Breeze is an agile project management tool that uses Kanban as its main workflow.
- BrowserStack - Dashboard completely ajaxified with history.js
- Cameron Spear - Modified for sweet slide transition (check out blog's previous and next buttons, especially!)
- CFYE Magazine - Wordpress blog completely ajaxified with history.js
- Codecollision - Serves server template or JSON by appending /json/ to URL. A Django template renders the server response, Underscore template for JSON response.
- Codegram - Neat usage of CSS3 animations with state changes on their Clients & Work Page
- CollabFinder - Ajax search feature powered by History.js
- - Asynchronous product search (pre-Alpha) with history powered by History.js
- Crafted Pixelz
- - Design and Web-Development bureau in Germany
- Digimedia ENVISION - Web Design & Development in Finland
- Digital Networks del Perú S.A.C - IT Services Company powered by History.js
- Do You Want A Cup Of Tee?
- Dominie Press - A full-Ajax driven site utilizing Kilogaiajax framework. SWFAddress was used entirely as a HTML4 fallback rather than History.js's implementation.
- [Enter the Studio] ( - Uses history.js for site navigation.
- [Experience Nepal] ( - Uses history.js for navigation around the website.
- Goblin Hammer - Uses history.js for navigation around the site.
- [] ( - Uses history.js for page transitions
- Helene France - Uses the this gist to hijack calls. Fancy animation between sections. (fashion site)
- History.js It! (source) - A google chrome extension which History.js'ifies any website
- Jacob Friesen - For forward/back button press handling in a one page application
- [Jobstriker] ( - Gist, liberated ;) Resume posting portal, universal job related knowledge repository
- Joe Konell
- Jonath Lee - Web Designer from Malaysia portfolio website using history.js and customized Ajaxify.js
- Joshfire Framework - (source)
- - Swedish only tool to calculate nutrition from free form text. Uses History.js to keep location bookmarkable/copyable after ajax calls.
- Lamborghini - Uses History.js for the back/forward navigation only (no hijaxing)
- - Uses History.js then Ajax call to filter content.
- Mapalong
- Maurits Corstjens - Uses History.js for viewing individual portfolio items
- Meeho - History.js implemented in their upcoming new version
- Melissa George - Ajaxification by History.js
- Metalab's Flow Homepage - Uses History.js to ajaxify their Flow application's homepage
- Nestseekers Facebook app - A mini version of the main site embedded inside a Facebook Page iframe.
- - A price comparison site
- Radio Record - Russian dance radio station used History.js + Ajaxify
- Rafal Kuczynski
- - A video magazine
- rentingforce - A renting platform for Cars, Yachts, Aircrafts...
- Site ekle - Uses History.js for the back/forward navigation
- SoSimpull Music (source) - Using History.js to handle on the fly content loading so that the music player can continue to play.
- Spiffy UI (source) - Using History.js in their GWT Made Easy framework
- Stealth Web Designs - History.js implemented in their CMS, including their own site.
- - Awesome usage of replaceState for articles and pushState for pages, neat CSS3 animations
- Tar Heel Reader - Uses History.js site-wide.
- TjWallas Labs - Using a custom fork of jQuery.ajaxify()
- Temacotta
- Tobias Meixner - Tobias Meixner is using History.js for his Dropplets-based blog.
- Trusted Audiobooks - Uses History.js for the back/forward page navigation to ensure the jPlayer audio previews play uninterrupted. History.js proven as an excellent alternative to messy IFRAME solutions for persistent audio playback.
- - Replacing some good ol' links with History.js, trying to take over the whole site. Work in progress.
- Ustream
- Villa Schweppes - Online magazine about nightlife, clubbing, events, cocktails, recently awarded (Grand prix Stratégies de la communication éditoriale 2016)
- Vans RebelJam
- - Volvo cross country travels
- YulePlay - Continuously browse website while listening to Christmas music
- Exhibit3 - (source)
- Medic Dashboard - (source)
- SkyPHP - (source)
- Web5 - (source)
- Wesabe - (source)