Web Awesome Kickstarter

What is the go-to component library these days? I’m not sure there is a clear winner right now. Bootstrap is still popular I’m sure. It seems stable but also sort on maintenance mode and the fact that they are recommending this feels like they are kinda done. I imagine the Sass dependency makes it slot into less and less new projects. The shadcn/ui project is having popularity boom, but the fact that it’s only for React also limits the reach.

Brad Frost kicked off discussion this year about what a global design system might be like. To my web-centric mind, the only answer to this is a component library of web components. And since that is the case, Shoelace is already on the job. I’ve only just learned that…

After setting the record in 2016 for the most funded and most backed software Kickstarter ever (both records still hold), the Font Awesome team is back with a new Kickstarter! Introducing: WEB AWESOME.

Essentially Shoelace 3 is now Web Awesome. Seems very smart. Building a business around what could become the go-to component library will help it become that and stay that.

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