Check out a free preview of the full JavaScript: The Recent Parts course
The "Course Overview" Lesson is part of the full, JavaScript: The Recent Parts course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:
Kyle defines what the "recent parts" means as part of the title, and gives a roadmap for what the course will contain.
Transcript from the "Course Overview" Lesson
>> Kyle Simpson: With that as our introduction, let's talk about what we can expect from this course. As I mentioned, this is the recent parts. And by recent we mean all those big changes that happen in ES6 have started to settle down and there are a variety of features that have, were easier for people to pick up on and some that were more complex for people to pick up on.
I certainly can't do all 300 plus of those ES6 features in one course. We'd be here for weeks. But I've taken a small selection of things from ES6, from ES 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and woven them together into this narrative of, these are the things I think you should focus on first.
Not the only important things, but the things you should focus on first. If you haven't learned some of these things this is your to do list for what to get up to speed on what's been recently happening in JavaScript. So what are some of those features. Well we're going to look at templates strings, string padding and also trimming.
Destructuring and fair warning, destructuring's a big meaty topic. We're gonna spend a lot of our time in this course, a significant amount of time going through it. It is by far the most complex feature that I've seen added to JavaSript maybe ever. And I wouldn't likely decide to put something like that into a course unless I believe that that extra complexity was worth it.
You will find I think that as you put in the investment of effort to understand destructuring, you'll see how much more it pays off in so many other places. So it's important even though it's gonna be difficult and even though it's gonna be intimidating, that is a very important feature to get a hold of.
Instead of array features like find and include, and flat, and flatMap, we'll then look at iterators and generators which is a little bit of a different way of thinking. And we're gonna look at some improvements to regular expressions. And then we're gonna be looking at async await and async generators.
That'll round us out and so, that second half of this, those last three or four items really sort of start to tell a narrative of JavaScript maturing in the respect of asynchronous programming and that's a big key thing that has been way behind quite frankly in JavaScript for quite a long time.
The management of parallelism or of concurrency in our language, it's a critical thing, and only of late did we get promises in ES6, and then some of these features layered on on top of them. And JavaScript has a really good healthy future now, as a result of a number of these parameters.
So that's an idea of what to expect from this course. We will go through a variety of these different features and will pull out some exercises in bits and pieces to play with these different features, to get a better understanding, a deeper understanding of them. But that's certainly not exhaustive.
The only way for you to really learn this stuff is to go back to your own code bases and try it. Try some destructuring, try an array.find, those sorts of things. You're going to have to do that if you want to be able to keep up.
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