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Nina walks through solution to References Exercise.
Transcript from the "References Solution" Lesson
>> Nina Zakharenko: Let's go ahead and review the solutions. So, here I am in the advanced git exercises branch. And I am going to check out exercise 3. The first thing I want to do is, figure out where my head variable is. Let's check it out by finding out the value of git slash head.
And we can verify this by running git branch. Now let's figure out what our references are pointing to. We can do that with the plumbing command, git show-ref. And we pass in the --heads [INAUDIBLE] Cool. So I have a few more exercises than you guys. If I filter this out to just exercise 3, we'll see that that is the Last commit in this branch.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And if we wanted to, we could use git cat file-p to verify this. So let's say I wanted to look at the reference for my master branch. It's this one right here. So I can copy this reference, and then do a git cat-file -p.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And that'll show us the last master commit.
Mine might be a little bit different than yours. Cuz I've been working on these exercises. But yours should be the initial commit.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Now, our exercise 3 branch is pointing to a newer commit from exercise2 We can verify that,
>> Nina Zakharenko: By taking a look at this commit using git cat-file -p.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And this is the commit from exercise two.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Now let's make a tag and we want to confirm that it points to the correct commit. We can name this tag whatever we want. Now, I can do get tag to show which tags I have. That should show my /git/commit and let's make sure that the tag is pointing to the right place.
If I use the plumbing command git show-ref, I can pass in the --tags flag instead of --heads like we did earlier. That'll show that my git tag is pointing to the current commit on the exercise3 branch.
>> Nina Zakharenko: We can also verify that, to look that up.
>> Nina Zakharenko: With git tag dash dash points-at.
And checking out this commit, cool. Those are all the tags that point at this commit right there. Now let's get a shot at trying out annotated tags. Remember that annotated tags serve the same function as a regular tag. But they contain some extra metadata, right? The author, the date, and an optional message.
So, to create an annotated tag we use the- a flag. And I'll say my-annotated-tag and I'm gonna pass in a message.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And I messed up my quotes. Let me try that one more time.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Great, now when I list my tags with git-tag, we'll see that I have a new one.
I can take to look at it with git show.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And that shows the commit that it's pointing to.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Now let's check out detached head. Now that you know what it really means, hopefully the terminology isn't so scary anymore.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Someone should go as a detached get detached head for a Halloween custom this Halloween.
October 31st is coming up. [LAUGH] I think you guys could scare some programmers. [LAUGH] So let's use get checkout to checkout to figure out the latest commit directly. And we can figure out what that is by looking at the log. And I use the dash dash, no pager here just so that prints out in my terminal instead of opening on the screen.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Cool. So this here is my latest commit.
>> Nina Zakharenko: I am going to check it out.
>> Nina Zakharenko: No detached head state. Look around make changes. I don't know who wrote this message but it's really not [LAUGH] helpful. Great so if we take a look at our head now we'll see that it is pointing at that commit.
Now if we create a dangling commit
>> Nina Zakharenko: And we add it.
>> Nina Zakharenko: So that's in our staging area. If we do a status, git will tell us that we're in a detached head state. And let's commit it.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Great, now if we, look at out log
>> Nina Zakharenko: We will see our latest commit, an example of a dangling commit.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And if we check our HEAD again,
>> Nina Zakharenko: Can anyone tell me what HEAD will be pointing at now? Which commit? The first one? The second one?
>> Nina Zakharenko: I pick you.
>> Speaker 2: E348EBC?
>> Nina Zakharenko: Not quite.
>> Speaker 2: I don't know that at all then. [LAUGH]
>> Nina Zakharenko: What's the latest commit we made?
>> Speaker 3: The dangling ten.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Yes, so now if we look at head, it's gonna be pointing at the last commit we made, the dangling git commit, great.
>> Nina Zakharenko: So if we wanted to keep this commit, we could check out a branch. But right now, we're just gonna throw it out.
So if we git checkout exercise 3, and I will show you the log one more time. So we made this commit while we were on a detached head. I I check out exercise three. It is going to give me a warning telling me that I am leaving one commit behind.
It's not connected to any of my branches. It doesn't have any references. And if I don't do anything about this eventually this commit is going to be garbage collected.
>> Nina Zakharenko: And it also gives you a helpful tip that if you want to keep it you can create a new branch.
You can say git branch branch name, and keep that commit.
>> Nina Zakharenko: Anyone have questions about references? Heads, detached heads, how are you feeling?
>> Nina Zakharenko: Seeing a lot of lost faces.
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