Okay, Color Spaces

Eric Portis did a bang up job explaining color spaces on the web. sRGB is, as Eric puts it “the web’s dominant, default color space”, but he doesn’t spend much time on that. Thanks to recent evolutions in web tech, we have access to a wider gamut of colors (P3) and more color spaces than we’ve had before.

What is a color space? It is a way of modeling colors on a 3D graph this is… made up. They aren’t scientific truths or anything. They are just ideas from smart people that help us do useful things with colors, like interpolate between them for gradients. A color space might take on this responsibility: be able to change one of the values and have the result be predictable and and consistent. That’s what OKLCH does, why I’m hot on it, and I think you should at least know about it.

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